Back by popular demand, the BarDown crew has delivered yet another hockey quiz!

While quizzes predominantly feature trivia surrounding NHL teams, we decided to go a different direction with this one. We’re off to the AHL, baby!!

Jesse, Sam, Luca, and Corwin took a familiar seat on the BarDown couch to battle it out for AHL trivia supremacy. The concept was simple; name the AHL affiliate for each NHL team.

While some of them proved to be checked off with ease, there were some tricks involved. Some teams had recently moved, while other NHL teams have shared affiliates. Overall, the guys did pretty well (except for, well, you know who), but there could only be one winner.

Without further ado…



And there you have it, another champ has been crowned. For purpose of spoilers, we won’t type out the name.

What we will say is that it’s a Winner’s Circle that everyone will like.