A wise man once said –  with all the might of the world’s oceans, winds, and fire combined – an emphatic and eardrum shattering “Let’s Go!!!”

While the gusto doesn’t seem to bring Jesse Pollock much luck when the actual questions roll around, it is that level of enthusiasm that we make this special announcement:

BarDown quizzes are back, and they’re even better than before.

In the first couple seasons, we got to know a number of hockey nerds. The first quiz of the season resets the rivalries with some familiar faces in the hot seat. While you’ve seen Jesse, Luca, Corwin, Emilie, Sam, and the trustee question master DZ before, you’ll notice that there are some changes to the videos.


1. BarDown Belt.

Of course there’s a belt! There always should have been a belt (one that doesn’t have a WWE logo on it), but Season 3 finally delivers the keepsake that commenters have been asking for.

Embedded Image
Jesse Pollock


2. Punishment.

You asked, we listened. Season 3 will mark the first time that a punishment is dished out for the Quiz’s last place finisher (watch out, Gliserman…), while the punishment for the Season’s first Quiz is yet to be determined, you can be sure that they will crack a smile.

Just skip ahead to 14:18 of this video if you need a taste:



3. Lifelines.

We’ve seen bonuses, now we’ve got lifelines. As you will see in the Quiz below, the life line kicks in after the bonus is completed. For this particular video, the lifeline is an option to use multiple choice.

Without further ado, here is Season 3, Episode 1 of your favourite hockey quizzes. The theme of the day? The 2018-19 NHL Season.


“Let’s GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”