NBA Jam isn’t exactly the most realistic basketball game, but it’s definitely one of the greatest sports video games to ever be released. Although a version of the game hasn’t been released since 2011, the older versions of the game are still fan favourites among basketball fans, both young and old.
One of the unique features in the game is the “On Fire” setting, which gives players unlimited turbo, no goaltending, and increased shooting abilities until the other team scores or that player misses a shot.
Well, the Atlanta Hawks have made the “On Fire” setting a real life thing as they use similar graphics on their scoreboard and add a moving flame behind the player’s headshot after he’s made three shots in a row.
It also shows the players doing a mini celebration after sinking a shot as you might have noticed John Collins dabbing after his basket.
The Hawks might sit near the bottom of the overall standings, but their in-game entertainment, scoreboard team and hometown chirps are top notch.
(H/T Twitter/mcten)