Ryan Hartman went off the grid for a little while.



While rumours and speculation ran rampant around the league, with big names getting traded or preparing for free agency, Hartman decided to get away from it all. His vacation of choice was a fishing trip in a remote location.

And then boom, all of a sudden it was him getting traded. While he was away and supposedly unreachable, Hartman was dealt to the Flyers. It was a funny happening, and his mother even joined Digital SportsCentre to discuss the strange situation, but it became a little darker when he was waived by Dallas.

As it turns out, Hartman wasn’t quite as unaware as we all thought. He had access to his agent via satellite phone, and so he knew about everything going on all along.



There’s something sort of relieving about all of this, knowing that he didn’t come home to a drastic and somewhat sad surprise. Fans seemed relieved by the news as well. Well, at least some of them did.



(H/T Twitter/Ryan Hartman)