After all the offseason partying, the Stanley Cup took in a yoga class.
Cleo Bates, the Capitals team massage therapist, got to spend the day with Stanley in Dallas last week. Out of all the adventures and activities, the cup went on this summer, Bates might’ve one-upped everyone, as he took hockey’s most prestigious trophy to a yoga class.
Even the Stanley Cup does yoga, so what’s your excuse again as to why you’re not taking in this relaxing exercise? After all, Lord Stanley’s mug got a big workout this summer travelling across the world, so it was only right it got to have a stretch. Even if it didn’t have a yoga mat, it still had a pedestal to make sure everyone else in the class knew that it was finally time for offseason training.
Guess the Stanley Cup isn’t that serious about getting back into game shape, as it was seen spotted back around alcohol once again a couple days later.