Things got very ugly in a Wednesday clash between Hong Kong and Shenzhen at the National Youth Games in Chengde, China.

With roughly one minute remaining in regulation, and Hong Kong holding an 11-2 lead, Shenzhen players started attacking their counterparts. Video footage revealed Hong players appearing defencelss as fans on the other side of the glass begged the fighting to stop. Hong Kong’s Jonathan Wong (#23) is teamed up on by two Shenzen players to start the video.


According to the South China Morning Post, the Hong Kong Ice Hockey Association announced on Thursday that three Shenzen players involved in the incident were banned for one year by the organizers. No major injuries were reported after the fight.

The National Youth Games is for athletes under the age of 19, with the main events kicking off in Shanxi following the weekend. Hong Kong finished the tournament in fifth place with a 3-2 record.

Washington Capitals forward Alex Ovechkin is scheduled to travel cross seas to grow the game in China this month, and we have a feeling he won’t be preaching this kind of behaviour while he’s there. There’s really no place in the game for this kind of stuff, especially in international competition.


(H/T South China Morning Post)