Late Wednesday night, news broke that the San Diego Chargers are reportedly following in the footsteps of the Rams and moving to Los Angeles.

While nothing is official yet, an announcement of the move is expected to be made as early Thursday.


The move shouldn't really come as a surprise, but still, now that it's imminent, it's kind of shocking and very upsetting for Chargers fans.

In fact, one San Diego fan was so upset, he decided to take matters into his own hands and throw eggs at the team's headquarters after the news of the move broke.

As the old saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right, but we imagine this fan must feel a little better after getting some of his anger out.
Obviously other fans weren't thrilled about the news, either, but some responded in a calmer way.

Hopefully more people choose to remember the team's time in San Diego in a peaceful way going forward rather than resorting to throwing eggs or worse.

(H/T: Omari Fleming)