Halloween is right around the corner and although most of us will be staying indoors for it, that doesn’t mean we can’t dress up for the occasion, right?


We live and breathe hockey at BarDown, so it’s only fitting that we suggest a series of costumes to you that revolve around the sport. Forget dressing up as a mummy or witch, or any other clichés. THESE are the ones you really need to consider. So without further ado, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?



Come on, what would this list be without Jeff Beukeboom on it? So how exactly does one dress as Beuks? Well, for starters… you can purchase some small stilts because the dude IS HUGE! 6’5 to be exact. If you’re going to wear a helmet, make sure it doen’t have a visor either. The man was straight nails and went no visey for basically his entire career. Rock a Rangers #23 or Oilers #6 jersey, ether works. You can also just dress up as a goat and take Beuks on your back!



This one is a no-brainer and a little more cliché. Buy a wig, crack the lenses on a pair of dollar store glasses, and stick some red food colouring on your face. Then, last but not least, purchase a Chiefs jersey wherever you can and you’re golden! Just make sure to practice social distancing and don’t drop the gloves with anyone…



This one might sound easy, but could present some issues. You’re going to have to get creative and find a really, really big pylon and poke some holes in it. Then again… you could just wear all orange and stick a small one on your head.

Yeah, that would probably work best.




Just stick a bunch of dark grey over yourself OR find the dustiest area of your house and roll around in it for a good 15 minutes. Maybe stick a handle on yourself too… stick a Swiffer logo on your back as a name bar… get creative. Feel free to stick a picture of John Scott on yourself, too.

Just kidding Scott! We love you buddy!!!! (Friend of BarDown from our BarDown Lives if you can recall).



Wear a bathing suit or something, rock a Nats tarp maybe? Just don’t get as intoxicated as the Great 8 did… a bender for the ages!



#Ovi is living his best life 😂 . (🎥: pmattern7/Twitter)

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Never. Ever. Forget. Not just “the lawyer.” This is Gerald freaking Ducksworth we’re talking about, people. Just stick some flower in your hair and maybe go pair up with some who's willing to rock a Coach Bombay jacket for the day.



Throw some tentacles on yourself and you’re golden.


So... which of these are you dressing as?