Layne Matechuk is back in his happy place.

The Humboldt Broncos were involved in a devastating crash that killed 16 people and injured 13 when the Saskatchewan junior hockey team bus collided with a semi-truck, in April 2018.

Layne Matechuk was one of the players seriously injured, spending a month in a coma.

Layne has been so strong and so persistent in his will to get back on the ice and do what he loves the most and all of his hard work is paying off. On Saturday, Layne Matechuk was out on the ice with no assistance, skating and shooting the puck around.

He has come so far! Way to go Layne.

After the incident, Layne spent one month in a coma, underwent physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy.

Nine months later, he was back on the ice for the first time since the accident.