The LA Kings rocked silver chrome helmets with their beautiful retro jerseys a few nights ago and it actually fit in really well with their uniform. Both the Kings and Golden Knights have pulled off the look, and it got us thinking…

What would other teams look like with shiny buckets on?

Our very own graphic desiger and beer league goaltender Vicne Arnone whipped up a few for a select number of teams around the league and this writer isn’t exactly sure how he feels about them. Vince did a great job, but does the bucket fit the overall uniform? We’ll let you decide.


The Sharks one actually fits pretty well, but that bronze Sens helmet is wild! Love that it matches the logo and would, really love to see it in a game. As for the Oilers and Jets buckets… not so sure.


The Kings and Golden Knights could be onto something here. Should other teams start going with this look more? Let us know in the comments which other teams you’d like to see test it out and who knows, maybe we’ll make some more concepts for them...?