Hockey players wear a lot of gear. Before every game it’s like you’re putting on a suit of armour to go out and do battle for 60 minutes.

Much like in a suit of armour, mobility isn’t the greatest for certain movements. Anything hockey related goes pretty smoothly, but there is one thing that just never seems to work out properly: Putting on the jersey. Whether it’s getting your head in the wrong hole, getting it stuck on your shoulder pads or not being able to reach the back to pull it down, it can be frustrating.

We do have one way to make you feel better about it though, it happens to NHL players too.

What we’re actually more confused about in this video are Gudas’ shoulder pads. It appears as if he’s stitched two different pairs together. NHL players tend to have some weird preferences when it comes to equipment, but seeing another brands shoulder cups stitched onto the chest protector is next level.

This is a real Frankenstein of hockey equipment.