It’s the offseason. Hockey doesn’t start in a month. So in the meantime… we’ll take any hockey content that comes our way…

Like these stellar NHL dark mode jerseys.

We love us a good concept over at BarDown and these beauties, designed by @Boyan.Demchuk are sure to draw high praise from hockey fans. He designed one for each team in the league but we took the 10 we believed to be the best, take a look!


Wow. So many nice ones to choose from. The Toronto OVO is an obvious choice for number one, but how about that Panthers tarp? And what is that…. Sandpaper on the Senators jersey? As much as we love these, we’d like to think our own dark mode jerseys are also pretty swag.


So now we’ve gotta ask… which of the bunch is your favourite?

(H/T @Boyan.Demchuk)