Rob Gronkowski has teamed up with Tide to help educate and convince teenagers that Tide Pods are not supposed to be eaten.

A new internet fad called the “Tide Pod Challenge” has gained momentum across various social media outlets as of late.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that chewing and swallowing laundry detergent pods is very dangerous. In what is one of the dumbest social media trends to ever make headlines, teenagers across the world have been filming themselves consuming the pods.

Ethanol, polymers and hyrdro peroxide are just some the toxic chemicals found inside.

The Patriots tight end wants everyone to know that Tide Pods are meant for washing, not eating.
There you have it, kids. Listen to Gronk!

10 deaths have been associated with eating them, based on a report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Millennials, man.

(h/t Tide)