Jim Mora Senior is famous for one of the greatest soundbites in sports history, but he’s not stopping there. He is determined to deliver laughs to the sports world time and time again.

Last year, as the New Orleans Saints started the year 0-3 and he was flabbergasted by his co-workers acting like their season was over. This time, he wasn’t listening to his co-workers at all and as they tried to get his attention, he blurted out something that shocked his co-workers.

Of course, it’s a harmless jab at one of his co-workers and wouldn’t have been a big deal had it been off air – but as Sergio Dipp learned last night, you have to be ready at all times to go live on broadcast. Dipp was the talk of the town last night after his first sideline report went…awkwardly.

Perhaps this Mora hit can comfort Dipp a bit, showing him that everyone makes mistakes and if your mistakes are as funny as Mora’s, you’re in good company. After all, “You want to talk about playoffs?” is surely in the sports soundbite hall of fame.