The NBA has changed over time like most sports do. One big change we have seen in the league is 3 point shooting. Guys like Steph Curry have changed the game and forced the NBA to adapt as a whole and adopt shooting more shots from the perimeter in order to win games.

That is a good change the league has seen (depending on who you ask) but one that is universally disliked is flopping.

It is one of the worst things a player can do yet it has become commonplace in the NBA for players to flail or try to "sell the call" in order to sway the refs opinion. One of the masters at this is James Harden, he always manages to be one of the league leaders in free throw attempts partially due to his impeccable acting skills.

Hardens skills were on full display tonight but on the defensive side of the floor. As Kawhi Leonard was driving to the basket with less than 15 seconds left in the 4th quarter, Harden dipped into his little bag of tricks and decided to well…we’ll let you decide.

This cost the Clippers the possession and the game and you can’t blame Harden because the refs made the call. As you can imagine, twitter wasn’t too fond of the decision and decided to make fun of Harden for his antics.