A professional sports team relocating is a hard idea for fans to wrap their heads around. Do they remain a fan of the team? Do they have to find another team? Will fans in the city the team is being relocated to become fans of the incoming team, or do they stay loyal to the one they already know?

Overall, it takes a few years for teams to fully acclimatize to their new situation, but it’s possible that the lingering heartbreak of an abandoned city takes even longer to heal.

This is likely why the Oakland Raiders faithful had such a difficult time saying goodbye on Sunday. That, mixed in with a little last second heartbreak of course.

The Raiders gave up a late touchdown to the lowly Jacksonville Jaguars, bringing to an end what has been a tough number of years in the “Black Hole”. With Oakland set to relocate to Vegas next year, the Raiders crowd said goodbye the only way they know how – emotionally.


While some may think it’s a good thing that the Black Hole will be no more, it’s hard to imagine a more passionate fan base – for better or for worse.