Golfers have to deal with some of the most high pressure positions in all of sports and they have to handle them while bozos are yelling things like “Baba-booey” or “Mashed Potatoes”.

We’re not going to lie, it’s entertaining at times, but when guys are yelling at every tee box it gets old.

And that’s just from us watching it on TV. Golfers have to deal with this stuff at every tournament they play and it can cost them some serious coin if a yell happens to alter their swing at all. So, Canadian PGA player Graham DeLaet decided to get some revenge us common folk. He’s back home in Saskatchewan for the holidays and he stopped by a local office to yell things while people were trying to work.

Imagine trying to swing a golf club while someone is making you feel like this:

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It’s really not easy to do anything while people are yelling nonsense words. Perhaps golfers should take a note out of this guy’s book and start fighting back from the tee box.

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