In case you didn’t know, Damian Lillard is the best hip hop MC in the NBA and he is featured in this week’s Cabbie Presents.

Several NBA players have attempted rap careers in the past, but Lillard’s album actually received a lot of positive feedback, from NBA players and other artists in the hip hop community.

The title was “The Letter O”, released last October. It’s a reference to his number (Zero), the places he grew up (Oakland, Ogdon and Oregon). There are twelve songs on the album and he even landed a couple high profile features like Jamie Foxx and Lil Wayne.


Cabbie caught up with him this week to talk about his music career, potential set lists he would work up for an All-Zero NBA music group and much more.

If Cabbie has his way, maybe you’ll see Lillard at this year’s OVO Fest. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen athletes at one of Drake’s concerts.



Hero. Legend. Captain. Mats Sundin aka Lucky 13

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