Artemi Panarin had a scary few weeks this season when he was accused of having a physical altercation with an 18-year-old woman. It forced Panarin to take a leave of absence, but the allegations were never corroborated. Many believe that it was a smear campaign regarding Panarin’s political views.

Now he’s back, and we couldn’t be happier to have the old Breadman back.

Panarin has become one of the most likeable players in the league, mixing his exciting skill level with a personable, good-natured, and hilarious personality. The New York Rangers star showed that off a bit when he tacked on an entertaining 5-word suggestion to help the Rangers win more games.

It was clearly said in jest, but it’s also… probably true.

Panarin just seems like one of those guys that really has fun in life. He’s always smiling and joking around, and he backs it up with some incredible play on the ice. Here are a couple other moments where Breadman played the class clown role perfectly.

Chirping Patrick Kane for his height:


Working on his one-timer with a paint roller:

He just seems like a genuinely fun dude.

(H/T New York Rangers)