There have been a lot of weird hockey sticks throughout history.

A simple wooden twig used to get the job done, but over time, various companies have produced an assortment of odd one that have left hockey fans scratching their heads. We took a look at some notable ones over the years and concluded that these five are among the strangest of all time.

The following list is in no particular order.

TPS Rubber

Anyone who either used this one or played with a teammate who owned it can probably recall the unfathomable flex on it. You could basically bend this puppy to the floor without it even cracking in the slightest down the middle. It probably doesn’t produce the hardest slapshot, buttttttt you could probably fire a pretty mean wrister with it.

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Reebok O-Stick

A stick with holes down the shaft... what?

According to Reebok, the holes (also known as Power Ports) were implemented to increase stick speed and lower the kickpoint while stabilizing the shaft at the same time (so the stick was tougher with holes in it?). It didn’t stick around for too long, but all-stars such as Pavel Datsyuk rocked one in his day. Extra points for style though, because the NHL had never seen anything like this before!

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Easton Aluminum

This one’s a serious blast from the past, as Gretzky used it for a portion of his career. The idea of using one in the league today is just ludacris considering they have literaly zero flex (and can you imaine getting cross-checked by one?) but they’re pretty cool to look back on now.

Maybe ‘Big Z’ should consider using one?


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Christian Curtis Curve Goalie Sticks

A curve on the stick to help with the grip? Sign us up!

These outsiders didn’t stick around too long, but we wouldn’t be surprised if some beauty said what the heck and decided to bring it back. It’s this type of vintage gear that needs to make an eventual return to the league, whether it’s within the rules or not!!!!

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Elevate Hockey XL27

What's weirder: a hockey stick with holes in it or a one that bends right down the middle? Elevate released the XL27 with the purpose of improving release, accuracy, and firing a harder shot. We'd love to give on of these puppies a try on the ODR


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It's worth mentioning that there have also been some pretty weird blades in the past as well. Once upon a time, 'offset blades' were a thing, where the actual neck of the blades curved. Can you imagine how difficult it'd be using one of these for the first time?


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So, which of these is the weirdest of the bunch?