Victor Hedman is one of the best defenceman in the NHL today, and he was dangerously close to having his career in jeopardy on Friday.

After the play above, Jimmy Wixtrom shared a story several photos showing a better look at Hedman’s visor, eye and the stitches going in afterword. Thank goodness it was a little higher on his face or this could be a much scarier story. Now, it’s a painful looking photo and hopefully a cool Lion King-like scar for Victor Hedman.

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Victor Hedman, Inside Tre Kronor
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Hedman's Helmet, Inside Tre Kronor
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Hedman Examination, Inside Tre Kronor
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Victor Hedman Stitched, Inside Tre Kronor

If it does end up leaving him with a nasty scar, he may have a future in the movies. North American action movies love to use Scandinavian villains and with his large stature and badass looking scar, he wouldn’t even need makeup to be the perfect fit.

All jokes aside, we’re happy Hedman’s okay and we’re shocked that this can even happen to a visor. We’ve never seen it before but we’re sure more people will be aware of it now.