ESPN’s E:60 did a feature on the world’s oldest hockey player, Mark Stertich, and the man should instantly be a hockey legend.

He’s from Duluth, Minnesota and plays three times a week in a pick-up league. Oh, and he’s 96 years old. Most people are happy to be walking around at that age let alone still out on the ice ripping ginos and dishing apples. Oh, and he’s got an epic moustache too.

It’s not like it hasn’t been tough either.

Mark lists off some of the injuries he’s suffered over the years and it’s an extensive list.

“I’ve more or less hurt both of my shoulders, biceps – both of them are torn, ankles broken, ribs fractured, I’ve had a broken elbow and every once in a while there’s a few other little things that happen.”

Over that last quote of “A few other little things”, the feature shows this photo.

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Mark Stertich, E:60

It’s clear that nothing is going to stop Mark from playing hockey, so we hope he reaches his goal of continuing to play at 100 years old.