For a while it seemed like the bout between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather was never even going to happen, but we’re here, and it’s fight night, and we couldn’t be more excited to watch.

In fact, we’re so excited to watch the actual fight; we need a simulation of the fight right now to distract us over the next few hours. What better simulation to watch than Bleach Report’s animated “Celebrity Deathmatch” between Mayweather and McGregor.

With all the crazy antics accompanying the fight, we honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see some of these things occur.

The video has other celebrity appearances from Draymond Green, Mike Tyson, D’Angelo Russell and many more!


Mayweather vs. McGregor really will be the ultimate Celebrity Deathmatch 😂

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And if you were curious how the fight would go down in an NHL video game…

(H/T Bleacher Report)