No matter how many sports fans want the "Warriors blew a 3-1 lead" joke to stop, it will never stop unless something tops it.

We thought the Falcons blowing a 25-point lead in the Super Bowl to the Patriots and losing might be the one to make people forget about the Warriors, but that wasn't the case.

In fact, in February Paul Pierce ripped Draymond Green and Golden State with a 3-1 lead joke of his own, further proving that it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Of all the incredible and creative "3-1 lead" jokes we've seen since the Warriors lost to the Cavs in the finals, though, none of them are better than this fan's troll job.

A twitter user by the name of @MattMamba24 created a video incorporating the joke into popular movie and television show intros, and it's incredible.

We don't know about you guys, but the 'Marvel,' 'Lionsgate' and 'Breaking Bad' intros are easily our favourites from the video.


Hats off to Matt for the incredible video, but, as Cleveland fans found out in the World Series, what goes around comes around.

(H/T: MattMamba24)