Athletes often have statues erected in their honour, but most of them are fortunate enough to have the statues properly capture their likeness.

Just last week, Shaquille O’Neal received an amazing statue of him hanging off the rim in a classic vision of how he dunks. On the other end of the spectrum though, there’s this bust of Cristiano Ronaldo unveiled at what was formally known as the Madeira airport in Portugal. It has now been renamed the Cristiano Ronaldo International Airport and that’s where the bust come in:


A Cristiano Ronaldo statue was unveiled as tribute to the renaming of Medeira airport. 👀

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Here’s how it will be displayed.

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Ronaldo will also have his face on the side of the building.

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Do you think it looks like Ronaldo? Here’s a better example of what it would look like in real life…yikes.

Cristiano Ronaldo has to find some better statue makers.